The Obama administration scandal that continues to grow, and constantly surprise with its large scope, is the NSA spying. First we learn they’re looking at
85% of everyone in the country had health insurance. According to Rand Paul, we should have tried to create
The Common Core Curriculum is putting American education at risk. Common Core is a well intentioned enough idea. The
The Congressional baseball game seems to be the only time we see reasonable behavior from Congress. This fun tradition
Rand Paul has famously called Common Core a disaster. What’s his solution for education in America? Get the bloated Federal government out of matters best left to state and local government.
Even senators have a hard time arguing with the weather. 18 senators were missing from the Janet
Would you send money to a murderer? I wouldn’t. But foreign aid, that’s tax dollars from good
The United States’ reputation isn’t the same as it used to be. It’s damaged now, tainted from
Someone is challenging fellow lawmakers to make their opinions publicly known on medical marijuana and states’ rights.
Speaking last Saturday at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition Summit (IFFC) in Waukee, Iowa, 2016 presidential
Rand Paul is not one to mince words when it matters and he certainly doesn’t here. It’s
The horrific scenes in Paris has left an uneasy taste in the mouths of those tasked with
The possibility of a brokered GOP convention is looming large, and the fact that this has become
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